Ministerios BLOC
Ministerios BLOC, the Hispanic Outreach Ministry with BLOC is here to bless and help our immigrant community and share BLOC’s mission “building relationships with our neighbors and sharing hope in brokenness” with them.
Price Hill is home to many Hispanics and we serve the needs of youth and families in this area. Ministerios BLOC offers English as a Second Language classes, which provides the opportunity for youth and parents to develop their skill in learning the language as they emerge in the new culture. We also offer a Youth Empowerment for Latinos (Empoderamiento Juvenil Latino) program which provides Spanish-speaking students their own program for
support, including addressing trauma they have experienced both in their native
country and since coming to the U.S.
The list of needs and opportunities to serve is large. The goal of Ministerios BLOC is to empower and change the lives of children, youth, women, and be a blessing to the whole family, because we believe that stronger families make healthier societies.
How You Can Support Hispanic Outreach
For any further inquiries please contact: Walter Vasquez: walter.vasquez@onebloc.org.