Redeemed Homestead

Redeemed Homestead is a safe home licensed by the state of Ohio for girls ages 11-17 who have been victims of sex trafficking. Located on the eastside of Cincinnati, The Homestead creates physical distance from the areas where these young women are experiencing trauma while giving them a peaceful environment to heal. As a  program of BLOC Ministries, our goal is to promote transformational physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing for each of our residents.

The idea for Redeemed Homestead blossomed from the experience of BLOC’s Redeemed Women’s Homes which provides a three stage, holistic residential program for women over 18 who have survived sex trafficking. Our program has an over 70% success rate.  We want to take what we have learned from Redeemed and apply it to minor girls who have been rescued from trafficking at the Homestead.

Ohio is ranked number 6 in the nation for sex trafficking cases each year. Daily, there are 5.5 children abducted. 60% of recovered victims are from the foster care system with the average age of these victims being 15.5. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital keeps track of local minors who are suspected of being involved in sex trafficking and the list exceeds 200. Whereas most of these young girls find themselves shuffled through the foster care system, Redeemed Homestead offers an alternative - a home staffed with the kind of trauma support these girls need.

Redeemed Homestead provides an environment promoting redemption, education, and empowerment for each young woman who enters our family. The Homestead will maintain smaller numbers served at one time, in order to encourage stronger connections among the residents and with staff. This also cultivates peer accountability, empathy and social-emotional learning.
Each young woman will follow an individualized treatment plan consisting of academic goals, life skill training, mental and behavioral health therapies as well as spiritual healing through devotionals and meditation.

In the next five years, Redeemed Homestead plans to expand capacity by: 
- Building 5-6 additional cottages on its 20 acres
- Creating spaces for animals such as chickens, goats, horses and cows
- Planting both flower and vegetable gardens
- Building a central building that holds both recreational and school spaces

See how sex trafficking is affecting our area. 

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