Tim Jones

Tim Jones

Men's Ministry

My name is Tim Jones (or so Witness Protection would have you believe). I grew up in the Pittsburgh area, with all the accompanying sports loyalties. I started out studying theater, and I've been an Improv actor, artist, commercial actor, and stand-up comedian. I have also been a minister for forty years, graduating from Johnson  University, and have sometimes tried to blend entertainment with ministry and sometimes, disastrously. I'm crazy about my wife of almost forty years, Lisa, and our three grown kids and 4 grand kids.  

We moved to BLOC in 2013, from the richest county in America outside of DC to one of the neediest in Cincinnati because I felt like most suburban churches were not quite scratching the itch of Jesus' main target, the poor. At BLOC, I help with our Arts program, getting to know teens and children in Lower Price Hill through Art. I also help Lisa facilitate "Girls Wanted" in the same building, ministering to many of the same kids as in art. I also preach at the Bridge, where many of our BLOC people attend.

I love and believe in the time-tested methods of BLOC: hang around, be good friends and neighbors until conversations about God emerge. I would love to develop some big dream projects to engage the kids in our neighborhood. 

My favorite guiding scripture is the entire chapter of Isaiah 53.
"...Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." - Isaiah 53:1-12

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